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Over 450 East Anglian crew now listed!

Film Crew

FILM Suffolk has built a crew database over the last 3 years, allowing filmmakers, service providers and newcomers to the industry to list their profiles and skills for free. During this time FILM Suffolk has successfully referred over 100 jobs to crew listed on the database, some even landing long-term positions with local production companies as a result.

Our ethos is to offer this service free-of-charge to any local and visiting production. We love what we do and love that so many people have chosen us to help them find film work in the East of England. Initially we started only listing crew from Suffolk, but we quickly realised that there was tremendous talent from outside the county who was keen to join. Since our referral work has steadily expanded to cover pretty much all of East Anglia, it made only sense to list crew from all East Anglian counties. We now have crew members from Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough listed.

No experience? No problem

We all know that staring out in this business is difficult. This is why we have always encouraged new-comers with little or even no experience to come and sign up. Most productions coming to the region require people in junior positions to support their productions.

Just ask Grace, who ditched her job in May, started working with us in June and was already working on a Ridley Scott film in August.

(read her story HERE)

Our database has now grown to over 450 entries of local crew and we can't wait to hit the 500 mark. Have you signed up yet? CLICK HERE

If so, what has your experience been so far? Have you found work or gained set experience through our database? We would love to hear from you.

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